Thursday 19 September 2013

Representation theory's.

The male gaze theory. Laura Mulvey invented he male gaze theory. The male gaze theory states that the audience, weather they are male or female have to look at things in films through the eyes of men. An example of this would be James Bond girls. Everyone in the audience is meant to see them as very attractive and sexy.

The Bechdel test is a test that can be applied to film. For the film to pass it has to pass three simple criteria.
1) It has to have at least two named women in it.
2) These two named women will have to have a conversation in it.
3) This conversation as to be about something other than men.

Richard Dyer as a theory that stereotypes come down to power. Dyer argues that how people are seen in the media affects how they are treated in real life by society.

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