Thursday 12 September 2013

Image Analysis.

For this task we were given were given a genre and a target audience and we had to take pictures that fit into both.

For the first picture we tried to show that the couple were in love but the girls friends was very jealous. I think this image portrays this well and it is clear what we wanted to show. It also fits the genre well as teen girls would like this kind of story. I think if we could take the picture again i would like the building to be straight in the background. This would help to split up the image and make it look more harsh to show tension.
In the second picture to the right we wanted to show that the friend back stabbed her friend and broke up the couple without the girl knowing. Again in this picture the building in not straight in the image. If we took this again i would like the building to be straight in the background of the image. I W9oulod add semiotics to the photo but also it would make the image look better all together.

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