Thursday 12 September 2013

This is the film poster for The Dark Knight. it focuses on the new villain the Joker. The fog surrounds him in mystery and secrets. This makes the viewer want to see the film to find out what the character is about and what he will do in Gotham City. The bright red colours of the writing and lipstick use semiotics to make people link the character to evil. So without even seeing the film you no that he will be the villain and is evil. The writing 'Why so Serious ?' is the main catchphrase of the Joker. This enables the viewer to know something about the character before they have even seen the film. When they do see it they will be able to link the catch phrase to the character. The actual title of the film is written small at the bottom of the poster. The makers of the film are trusting that the bright colours and intrigue of the poster will draw you in so then you will take the time to find out what the film is called.
The buildings in the background tell us that the film is set in Gotham city. This is also covered by the fog and mystery so that people will want to know what happens and will want to see the film.

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