Friday 27 September 2013

Mis en Scene.

The main settings throughout the trailer are the various ships that the Pirates and Navy are on. Each ship has unique characteristics to make them easily distinguishable and likable. Another big setting is Port Royal. This is used to create stark contrasts between the bright city and the darkness of the Black Pearl.
Costume , hair and makeup are used constantly in the trailer to help the audience believe that the world you are watching is real. The costume are accurate to the time period  the trailer is set in and are used effectively to show the harshness of the pirates. Also makeup is used heavily to show the pirates in there ghost form. This is done very well as the skin disappears and the bones are revealed. The detail in the costume and makeup make the film and trailer more believable.
Facial expressions and body language is used to show the meaness of the pirates. The pirates walk harshly and always have angry expressions on there face. This shows them as greedy and evil people who only want the gold they search for.
Lighting is changed from dark to light often to make and easy comparisons from the pirates and the normal town. The ship will mostly be dark and the town mostly light. Then when the town is attacked the lighting is dark and this helps add to the feeling that the town is lost to the darkness of the pirates.
At 55 seconds through the trailer the props and people used are position carefully to get the desired affect. With the soldiers behind on the high walls it make it look like Jack is surrounded by the power of the navy. With the noose just next to him it also makes it looks like he faces almost certain death. All of this adds up to make his escape look even more spectacular and great.

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