Wednesday 11 December 2013

Production diary.

Production diary
Tuesday 5th  November
Shared our individual film pitches with the group and chose the one we would like to develop. Beth’s film pitch was chosen and Richard suggested ideas to develop it. The idea was born. The entire group pitched in, and together we started to make a brand new PowerPoint with our pitch for our film ‘Hacker.’
Wednesday 6th November
The PowerPoint continued to be developed by all, we also assigned tasks to individuals, for example Max and Richard were researching similar film openings, Beth was researching locations and Drea was researching music. The PowerPoint was finished in this lesson. All of the slides we individually made were put together in one PowerPoint, this including genre, locations, narrative etc.
Thursday 7th November
We pitched our film idea to the class. We received feedback from pupils and the teachers, suggesting ideas to make it better and also stating the ideas they liked. We then began to look into locations in more detail, choosing precisely which location we use. Drea began to draft the story board, with all of us putting in suggestions and we made a change to the very first shot, instead of Drea starting on the train, we would start in the station.
Friday 8th November
Monday 11th November
(Richard absent due to physics trip.) Drea drew up the draft storyboard into a final version, with each shot on a4 paper so we could annotate around it with frames, angles, movements and other important notes. Max researched ‘spy jargon’ to help write our script. Beth print screened pictures of Piccadilly Circus, including bird’s eye views, to annotate on them.
Tuesday 12th November
Max finished writing the script and researched films that inspire our film. Richard researched type-writer fonts for our titles. Drea researched London buses, practiced with the head cam and documented us working. Beth typed up the shooting schedule. We all listened to Drea’s brother’s music which he has played for our sequence.  
Wednesday 13th November
Richard continued to research type-writer fonts for our titles. Drea drew up more story boards as we made a change to our shot. We decided that filming on the underground might be a bit tricky, so we chose to change it to filming getting on and off a London bus. However, we are going to keep the train story board shots and film both in London, then decide what looks better when we get back to editing it. Beth researched bus routes we would need to get on. Max started devising the props list.
Thursday 14th November
Drea and Beth annotated the story board. Max wrote up the class feedback from our pitch and researched the order titles appear. Richard made a PowerPoint slide on how the opening fits the genre and conventions and also researched the order titles appear.
Friday 15th November
(Drea absent due to illness.) Max continued and finished putting our titles in order. Richard took pictures of the storyboard so we could put voiceovers on them. Beth got every piece of work we have done for this (from everyone’s computer) so we could put it all together on our blogs.
Monday 18th November
(Drea absent due to illness.) Today, Beth, Max and Richard recorded the voiceovers on audacity to go over the storyboard in a private classroom. We then came back into the media room to rename all of our clips.
Tuesday 19th November
(Max absent due to illness.) Today, Drea, Richard and Beth had to re-record all of the voiceovers as the audacity files were really fuzzy, so there was a change. We went to a private classroom and used a tripod and a camera, pinned the storyboard up on the whiteboard and spoke over them shot by shot. This was much more successful.
Wednesday 20th November
In this lesson, Beth went through all of the shots we took of the storyboard and copied the correct ones into her area, then put them all together in Adobe Premiere and uploaded it to YouTube. We then all put the storyboard video on our blogs, and spent some time updating our blogs with everything we needed to film it successfully. We decided we would film this Sunday (Sunday the 24th of November.)
Thursday 21st November
Friday 22nd November
This lesson, we all practiced filming down a corridor in school. For this, Beth filmed and Drea, Richard and Max acted. We practiced walking, zooming and a chase. We then came back into class and uploaded the footage, and practiced editing it in Adobe Premiere.
Sunday 24th November
We all filmed in London.
Monday 25th November
This lesson, Drea began creating the titles to go over the footage we had got. Beth uploaded all the footage from the camera onto the computer and we signed back in our camera and tripod. We then all sat round the computer and watched the footage, choosing which shots were the best and organising the good from the bad into folders.
Tuesday 26th November
Drea continued making titles to go over the footage and Max, Beth and Richard edited separately different parts of the sequence.
Wednesday 27th November
Drea continued making titles to go over the footage and Max, Beth and Richard edited separately different parts of the sequence. We began downloading the music to go into the sequence and researched some music to go along with thefirst part of the sequence, so we made a slight change to the music plan.
Thursday 28th November
(Beth absent due to trip.) Drea continued making titles to go over the footage and Max and Richard found sound effects to go into the sequence and made final editing touches.
Friday 29th November-Thursday 5th December
During the course of this week, we have mainly all been editing. We have also found the music we would definitely be using, so we made a change to the music plan again. Also, we did a photo-shoot to make film posters to promote our film. On Tuesday, we recorded the voice-overs to put over the sound on our film.
Friday 6th December
Today, we showed our final first draft to the teacher and some peers to get feedback. From this we learnt that we might need to slow the second half of the music down, put our institution logo in and perhaps edit the colouring of the sequence to make it a bit more greeny or yellow. However, we got really positive feedback; a lot of people liked the music and were impressed with the sequence in general.
Monday 9th December 
(Drea absent due to illness.) Today, Beth, Max and Richard filmed the character profiles of Max and Richard in the style of a chat show. Beth was the host and questioned Max and Richard on their characters. We then edited it by adding sound, and uploaded it to the blog.  
Tuesday 10th December
Today we peer assessed everyone else’s work. We watched the 22 minute long video miss had put together of everyone’s rough cuts and gave feedback on sheets.
Wednesday 11th December
Today, Beth and Drea filmed the character profile of Drea in the style of a chat show. Beth was the host and questioned Drea on her character. We then edited it by adding sound, and uploaded it to the blog. We also uploaded pictures to the blog of evidence of us all working. Richard answered the audience questions in the style of a PowerPoint and Max re-wrote the shooting schedule in the style we needed it to be.
Thursday 12th December
Today, Beth made a change to the titles regarding the feedback we got from the class and teachers; we changed the font to look more computer-like and the colour to white. Max made a change to the institution logo and thought of a brand new one. Drea started making the film poster on Adobe, looking at the drafts for ideas and help, and Richard answered the audience questions.
Friday 13th December
Today, Beth and Max edited the music so it built up in the right place. Drea finished the film poster and Richard finished the audience questions. When he had finished, Richard helped Beth and Max with the music also. We then exported our final version of our AS Media opening sequence and uploaded it to YouTube and put it on our own blogs.

Monday 16th December
Today, we all uploaded the film poster, re-written shooting schedule and updated production diary to our own blogs. We then spent some time thinking of some questions we could ask peers/teachers who watch our final version when we interview them for feedback.

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