Friday 15 November 2013


  Genres similar to ours:Feedback on pitch to class:The feedback we received from the class was very mixed but all of the feedback has helped us in some way so we can make our film opening as good as possible. The main thing that was asked about our pitch to the class was how we were going to achieve the chase scenes through London. Their main problem with it was that there was going to be a lot of people where we were planning on filming. Because of this we had to think long and hard about how we could make the scene effective. After thinking about it for a while we changed the location of where we were going to film so that is would not be as busy but keep the same effect that we wanted it to have. This piece of feedback helped us a lot as without it we could have been trying to record a chase scene in the busiest part of London which would lose the effect of the whole opening scene.Another piece of feedback we got from the class was that they liked the fact that the hacker in the opening scene was a girl. We were glad to hear this as we thought about having a female hacker because it has never been done before. To hear that everyone liked it was good as it made us feel more confident about our opening scene as people like the idea of a female hacker.These were the two main bits of feedback we got. The rest of the feedback was smaller questions about how we were going to do certain things. A lot of these questions helped us tweak the minor things in our opening so that it visually looks good but also makes sense to the viewer.Prop list:CameraLaptopWhite ShirtBlack TieMicrophoneEarpiecePhoneDressSpy Jargon that helped Max write the script:Dry Clean: actions agents take to determine if they are under surveillanceNaked: a spy operating without cover or backupSanitize: to delete specific material or revise a report or other document to prevent the identification of intelligence sources and collection methods
Agent: a person unofficially employed by an intelligence service, often as a source of information
Black Operations: covert operations that are not attributable to the organization performing them
THE SCRIPT:Speech 1: Starbucks Richard and Max watching Drea.Richard: Target sighted at 1100 hours, shall we proceed?Beth: Proceed with caution, she may be volatile.Richard: 10:4Max: We need to move, now!Speech 2: Chase scene through Piccadilly CircusDrea: Back up is required, Repeat back up is required!Speech 3: When Drea gets on the (bus/train) at PiccadillyRichard: Damn we lost her!Shooting schedule:  
Scene number.
Shot description.
London Liverpool street
Drea sitting at the table on laptop hacking in files.
The Hacker
London Liverpool street
Camera pans right to focus on the spies sitting at a table opposite from the hacker.
The Hacker, Spy number 1, Spy number 2.
Laptop, Ear piece
London Liverpool street
Camera goes back to the hacker sitting at the table on the laptop.
The hacker
London Liverpool street
Close up of the hackers hand on the laptop hacking into the files.
The hacker
London Liverpool street
Close up of the spy talking into his ear piece to the main office.
Spy One
London Liverpool street
The hacker has realised she is being followed so packs the laptop away and walks out of the station.
The hacker
Laptop, Bag
London Liverpool street
The hacker is walking through the main part of London Liverpool street getting followed by the hackers.
The hacker, Spy number 1, Spy number 2.
Piccadilly Circus
Establishing shot of Piccadilly circus showing the main title of our film.
Piccadilly Circus
The hacker coming out of Piccadilly circus and out into the street.
The hacker
Piccadilly Circus
The spies coming out of the Piccadilly circus station and out into the street.
Spy 1, Spy 2
Piccadilly Circus
The hacker is walking through Piccadilly circus trying to get away from the spies. The spies are just behind here weaving in and out through crowds of people.
The hacker, spy 1, spy 2
Alleyway near Piccadilly Circus
The hacker has found herself on a street; she turns round to see the spies are still following her. She turns round for the last time and starts to run away from the spies. The spies start running after her.
The hacker, spy 1, spy 2
Alley next to Piccadilly Circus
The hacker runs round a corner into an alleyway, follow by both the spies. She starts to run down the alleyway.
The hacker, spy1, spy2
Alleyway near Piccadilly Circus
Camera cuts away to the spies view of them chasing the hacker down the alleyway.
The hacker
Alleyway near Piccadilly Circus
Camera cuts back to the front view of the spies chasing the hacker. The camera zooms out so the viewer can see the whole of the alleyway.
The hacker, spy 1, spy 2
Alleyway near Piccadilly Circus
Camera cuts back to the spies view of the chase behind the hacker.
The hacker
Alleyway near Piccadilly Circus
Camera cuts back to the spies and hacker for the final time. This shot is more close to both the hacker and spies. The camera pans right to follow them down the alley.
The hacker, spy 1, spy 2
Alleyway near St Pauls.
Hacker runs up to a wall, turns round and realises she is trapped.
The hacker
Alleyway near St Pauls.
Close up of the hackers face as she is talking into her ear piece asking for back up.
The hacker
Ear Piece
Alleyway near St Pauls.
Close up of spy 2 saying “this will be interesting”
Spy 2
Fades to Black.

MUSIC:Our plan is to use Drea's brothers band to record a song for us that suits our genre.
The original plan did not happen, so we are now going to research other songs that could suit a spy-action film.
First draft: most people liked the two songs we chose, by Or Kribos and Assassins Creed, but it needs to build up in the right places.
Final draft: the music was quite a tricky thing to get right. We went through many songs, and after feedback from our first draft, most people said they liked the music. However, we thought that it built up too quickly in not-so-action places, and this is also the feedback we recieved from the teacher. So when finishing off the final draft, we decided to not have two songs, and only use one. We also decided to have a train announcement for when the characters were in the train station, and then just use the song by 'Or Kribos' for the more action-parts, this worked more effectively and built up in the right places, making the conventions match the genre.TITLES ORDERNAME OF THE STUDIO: Arthouse Films/ Warner BrothersNAME OF THE PRODUCTION COMPANY: Angel ProductionsPRODUCER NAME: Drea BunceSTARRING: Nigel Carrick, Michael Peterson, Emma BlackFILM'S TITLE: HackerMUSIC: Flick the Switch- Swallow ThisPRODUCTION DESIGN or PRODUCTION DESIGNER: Katie HenreidEDITOR or EDITED BY: Max JohnsonDIRECTOR OF PHOTOGRAPHY: Mathew PhillipsWRITER(S) or WRITTEN BY: Richard JarroldDIRECTOR or DIRECTED BY: Beth BraineSTORYBOARD:
 Evidence of us working:Risk assessment form:

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